Pharmaceutical Work

Why choose to work in pharmaceuticals?

What keeps someone anchored in the ever-evolving pharmaceutical world, amidst all the restructuring waves? In light of a lot of negative portrayals of the pharmaceutical industry, friends and family over the years have asked me why work in pharmaceuticals?

For me, it’s simple. It’s about tapping into a dual love affair with science and creativity. Early on, I was lucky enough to merge my scientific curiosity with my creative expression as a musician, all within the dynamic corridors of the pharmaceutical industry. This break started with a summer job that turned into a vibrant and rich career spanning 20 years. Once that I would never have thought of when looking out my dorm room window as I entered university.

It’s more than just work; it’s a mission. Even on the toughest days, knowing that my efforts aid healthcare professionals to enhance patient care brings a sense of fulfillment.

Yes, change can be tumultuous, but it’s also the prelude to new melodies of knowledge and growth. How do you harmonize the demands of your profession with the passions that drive you? Considering working in this exciting industry and want to learn more about it? Contact me and we can discuss it a bit.