Recently I paused to reminisce about old friends and colleagues, wondering how they were faring? 🤔 COVID-19, with its unexpected twists, reminded many of us about the irreplaceable value of personal connections. Networking, tt’s like finding an old book on the shelf that still has new stories to tell.

Post lockdowns, I took a chance to reach out to some people I hadn’t spoken to in years. What a journey it’s been! Reconnecting felt like piecing together a beautiful mosaic of different lives, each tile vibrant with its own tales of resilience, growth, and sometimes, transformation.

One conversation led to another, and soon, I was marveling at the incredible paths we’d all taken. It was as if we were characters in a book who’d ventured off into our chapters only to regroup and share our adventures.

The richness in these rekindled connections was a stark reminder of what we’d been missing. This is the power and strong value of networking.

These reconnections have brought me not just joy but valuable insights and opportunities. They’ve proven that relationships, much like wine, can indeed get better with time. So, why not pick up the phone or send that message? You never know the stories waiting to be shared or the opportunities that might unfold.

Looking for ways to use social networks and other networking techniques. Contact us to learn more.