A few years back, I found myself at the helm of a pioneering journey within our company: creating, recruiting for, and leading the first-ever strategic account sales team. This wasn’t just about selling products; it was about offering unparalleled support to our emerging supergroups of customers.
But here’s the twist: the talented salespeople I needed to bring on board were already thriving in their current roles. The uncertainty of stepping into uncharted territory made them hesitant. After all, they knew me as a leader of brands, but leading a sales team was a different ball game altogether. This pivotal moment made me ponder deeply about the kind of sales leader I wanted to be.
Here’s what I learned on this transformative journey:
Embrace Risks for Growth: I believe that the most exhilarating opportunities are born from experimentation. I assured my team that I’d support them as they took calculated risks, pushing the envelope for our customers and their own growth.
Infuse Joy into Every Day: Each month, I sent out care packages to my team. These weren’t your typical corporate swag but personal tokens of appreciation—challenges, games, candies, and heartfelt notes. The message was clear: “You’re valued, and your voice matters.” This gesture resonated deeply, creating a bond rooted in genuine care and mutual respect.
Foster a Culture of Learning: As a lifelong learner, I’m a testament to how new knowledge fuels creativity. I encouraged my team to embrace personal and professional growth, ensuring they ended the year not just with stellar KPIs but with personal achievements that filled them with pride.
As I reflect on this journey, I’m reminded of the power of leadership that’s grounded in trust, care, and a commitment to growth.
I’d love to hear your stories! Have you ever taken a leap into the unknown, driven by a vision of something greater? How did it shape you as a leader or team member? Share your experiences below!
If you would like to discuss sales strategy, give me a call.